Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pot Shelf If An Unglazed Pot Is Placed In The Middle Of A Shelf Of Unglazed Pots In A Kiln, What'll Happen? Explosion?

If an unglazed pot is placed in the middle of a shelf of unglazed pots in a kiln, what'll happen? Explosion? - pot shelf

Thank you for answering my question before, but I need a little more detail. When all the pots are glazed in the oven, but it would not have negative consequences?


Anonymous said...

This is the greenware pot unglazed (bisque firing had yet)? It could explode. Or maybe not.

If unglazed bisqueware unlikely. There's only been a decisive blow would be anyway.

I would not have much to worry about. Things explode in the oven all the time. Not like an explosion of antimatter. So spend some time collecting the fragments of the oven later.

Anonymous said...

His record does not match your question (unglazed all stakeholders, unglazed details.) There should be no difference if you understand never shot at, unglazed, you can react to the shooting schedule various Glaze vs. greenware.

Anonymous said...

if at all cookie jars leapt will happen. I suppose the goal is to completely unglazed clay pot to bring it to a temperature of more than biscuits sintering.

If you unglazed pot was not raised before it is allowed, provided it is completely dry. Often, the first firing of clay in the oven, before increasing the temperature and not subject to this stage of the glass dried, the only way things could go wrong if your pot still contains moisture.

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