Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Telephone Cable Repair Give The Name And Acronym For Each Of The Following New Deal Programs.. Can Someone Help?

Give the name and acronym for each of the following New Deal programs.. Can someone help? - telephone cable repair

Use of this Web site:

1) employment and vocational training for needy young people in the conservation and utilization of natural resources:
Created 2) in 1934 to regulate interstate and international communication, telegraph, telephone, cable, radio:
3), deposits in authorized banks guarantee against loss in case of bank failure. :
Created 4) in 1934 to promote housing construction, repair and modernization, secure loans and mortgages. :
Created 5) in 1935 to protect employees on their rights to self-determination to organize and bargain collectively. :
6) was established in 1933 on government property to use in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, to develop water and energy resources of the basin of the Tennessee River to:
7) was to relieve unemployment in 1935:

I looked at the site, but I can not agree with them. Can anyone help?

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