Saturday, December 26, 2009

Prepaid Law Oklahoma Tenant Law; Is The First-month-to-last-month Fee Consider A Prepaid Rent?

Oklahoma tenant law; is the first-month-to-last-month fee consider a prepaid rent? - prepaid law

Ok, well, it has been 3 months since my husband and I moved from our old apartment. We paid for the payment of the first month of the last months, as we were [newcomers had no rental] history. We went there May 24, 2006, and moved April 27, 2008th We paid with a check for the month of April, last month we were there, but it was still the first few months at the cost of last month, which was not used, however, was unexpected because] [the motion. So how can we return to our first month's salary last month? I mean, I already paid for the month of April with our money, no money audit in the first months in office last month. Oh, and the landlord told us that the refund of the deposit, not the first few months at rates last month as the time to remain there, the former sale of the property to a new owner. Is it possible that he will do what is necessary in order to earn money? Thank you.

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